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Old 16th December 2005, 02:10 PM   #2
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The situation is this, now I must wait until they receive the Volari card back, before they can apply a credit to my account, this credit will be applied to the purchase of a new board.

The only reason I bought the Volari was to check to see why AC3D would not work with the onboard video on the new motherboard, meaning just to get it working. Bad move, many days fooling around, wasted time, bad video card, but this is what was suggested to do to get to the bottom of things.

I will try a GeForce FX 5500, I have 30 days to return it if it doesn't work.
The one at the top of the page, there is a rebate on it so I guess it will do. The only thing I am now concerned about is if it is card approved by Microsoft, Windows is getting fussier with each release, and Windows 2000 is the best (IMO) but very fussy. And every time you add something to a computer things get complicated. Thanks for the suggests
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