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Old 4th July 2021, 04:32 PM   #5
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Wink Re: Ordering vertices on an inclined line


Quick line alignment is very necessary. I don't think I appreciated the AC 3D capabilities though. That's why I sat in front of PC, strong coffee (at my age) was helpful.

There is a way. It runs in three, but quick phases:

Phase I - you choose an unevenly placed line segment (regardless of the number of vertices). You mark it with a selection box. You vigorously align it with the vertical Y or horizontal X axis. If necessary, you can separate the vertices accordingly.

Phase II - now you need to tilt the selection box a few degrees, it can be 5-10, from the vertical or horizontal.
Otherwise the patent will not work! It is best to lean it in the direction that the line will be sloped.

Phase III - if, for example, the selection box is slightly tilted to the right, you grab the upper-right corner of the selection box (adjacent to the vertex, then the + sign will appear) and move it to the nearest point on the right. Then you grab the lower-left corner of the selection box and move it to the beginning of the structure, to the vertex closest to the left.
Ready !

You can manipulate the entire selected segment in this way, lengthening it or shortening it, adjusting its length to your needs. Importantly - even if the line of vertices does not lie on one plane (for example X - Y) there is no problem. It is enough to look at it from above (key F 3) and set it as in Phase III (do not forget about the deviation - Phase II).

Quickly, efficiently and, what is important (see Phase I), in bulk. Without playing with projecting on the designated line, rotating points, aiming at the right angle, issuing five commands from the keyboard or (completely pointless) without laboriously moving the consecutive vertices with your hand.

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