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Old 29th January 2004, 01:51 PM   #2
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Default Re: Boolean not working very well?

Hi aza,

The first problem you describe doesn't sound right at all, and may just be an interface issue. I tried to provide a fair amount of flexibility in how objects are chosen for an operation, but this may have been at the expense of clarity.

For your first error scenario, please try creating your boxes and then:
- Launch the boolean operations dialog
- Set 'object' mode in the AC3D inteface (group should be fine, too)
- Select one of your boxes and press the 'set' button in the boolean dialog
- Select the other and press the other set button.
- choose your operation and okay it.

This is the easiest way to do what you expect to do. You can also enter the object name and then press 'set' to confirm it. The plugin logic /should/ notice if anything was changed or if you've entered a value without having pressed set. If you can get me the exact steps you followed, I can make sure it gets fixed next go.

The problem with too many surfaces output is a bigger bother, though. It does not yet produce 'optimal' output. The current logic does a lot of triangulation (working with triangles at each step simplifies the internal process quite a bit), which results in a fair number of output surfaces.

You might also check to ensure the latest version of the plugin is in use - some very early versions (which should not be circulating) produced an obcenely unnecessary number of output surfaces. The current release version of the boolean ops plugin is 1.02 and can be verified in the 'Help | about plugins' menu ("CSG plugin vX.XX"). I doubt this is your issue, though.

I'm working on the problem right now, and hope to reduce the scale of the problem with my next plugin release. Creating optimal output will take longer, though.

Quick note: the boolean ops are part of the free plugin pack, and are not produced by Inivis. I work on the project in my free time, so it takes me a while to get fixes implemented - I apologize in advance for delays. Not an excuse, just an explanation.

Thanks for your help,
-- Jeff
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