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Setting up the compiler

I personally use Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 to create plugins. If you are using a command-line compiler, you do not need to perform any of the steps below.

If you are using a different IDE/environment, know that this entire setup step simply involves adding the AC3D program directory to your Library path. This is not even a required step, it just makes things easier for setting up new plugin projects.

If others have similar steps for other compilers/platforms, I'd be glad to add them.

Windows : Microsoft Visual C++ (Visual Studio 2003)

In Visual Studio, perform:

  • Select the Tools -> Options... menu.
  • Under "Projects" in the left pane, choose "VC++ Directories".
  • In the right pane, set "Platform" to "Win32" and "Show directories for" to "Library files".
  • In the list below, add the main AC3D directory (usually something like "C:\Program Files\AC3D").

Now ac3d.lib (which is in your AC3D program directory) will be readily available to all of your future projects.


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All content Copyright © 2006 Dennis Hawthorne, except where explicitly noted
supercoldmilk © 2006 Dennis Hawthorne